“Peace begins with me”
In December 2021, one of my close friends brought me a book, as a gift. She knew very well I am an avid reader, one very passionate about spirituality.
She had recently discovered a Hawaiian spiritual art, and wanted to share her own learnings and experiences with me, so the book was her way of introducing me to this new world. I have to confess, I have never heard of Ho’oponopono before.
For a while already, throughout my various spiritual readings and experiences, I had already become familiar with the concept of human beings being the collective creators of the experiences they encounter in life, and the world looking the way it does because we made it this way. But I was very unsure how to deal with the fact that many (or most?) of those experiences were not positive. Quite the opposite in some cases…if one looks around at what is going on in the world, as TV news tends to remind us.
An important answer as to WHY this might be happening, and what can be done about it, came to me through the book “Zerolimits: The Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace & More” that my friend gifted me.
So when I came home from our lunch together that day, I delved right into the book and spent the next few days eagerly reading it, and being fascinated and challenged by its teachings.
Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono is about making things right, or rectifying an error by being 100% responsible for what is going on in your life…and in the lives of people that are touching yours. It is a process of forgiveness, repentance and transmutation, that connects you to the Original Source or Divinity, allowing to correct the erroneous thought patterns (memories or information) from your subconscious mind, go back to zero state (the pure state, the white board, where nothing clouds our perception or influences our experience anymore), in let those memories be erased and replaced with inspiration.
What I like most about it is that it challenged me to stop right there and then from claiming to be a victim of people or circumstances, or from being someone that constantly looks around to assign blame. And I have been both, for more or longer that I would like to admit.
It reminded me that I am fully empowered to change what is going on in my life, and I can do it by genuinely taking responsibility for what is going on (this is not blame we are talking about!!!) and saying:
I love you
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
Over and over again.
It is that simple!! Actually, the truth is always simple. And liberating.
As master Ihaleakala Hew Len beautifully explained:
“Ho’oponopono sees each problem not as an ordeal, but as an opportunity. Problems are just replayed memories of the past showing up to give us one more chance to see with the eyes of love and to act from inspiration”.
Act from inspiration my friends, every moment of every day. And who knows, reading this book might just change your life, as it changed mine.